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IELTS Assessment System

IELTS is a diagnostic exam, it evaluates the level of language proficiency on a scale from 1.0 to 9.0, while you can get zero points only in case of a no-show. One for knowledge is awarded to the subjects who know literally only individual words in English, while nine is awarded to experienced, fluently speaking examinees, with reading and writing at a level close to native speakers. The same final or average score, which is indicated in the requirements of universities, schools, colleges, organizations and countries receiving immigrants, is a rounded to a 0.5 arithmetic mean for the four IELTS blocks: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

General IELTS and Academic IELTS have the same structure of building blocks with tasks, each is allocated the same period of time, but the approach to calculating points for reading in the versions of the exam is somewhat different. Due to the fact that texts for reading in the academic version are more difficult to perceive due to the abundance of special terms in them, to score more points, it is enough to answer fewer questions correctly on the reading than in the general test.

How Listening is rated

Listening is an IELTS unit with 40 minutes given to pass. Within the block, subjects listen to 4 audio fragments read by native speakers with different accents, and for each answer 10 test questions. Fragments differ in the degree of complexity, while the value of answers to questions on the fourth audio is the same as on the first, so it makes no sense to focus on any one fragment over another.

Both in the paper and in the electronic version of the IELTS exam, you can listen to each fragment only once. Subjects are allowed to make any notes of their own on the draft paper. There is no separate time to transfer the answers from the draft to the form, it is advisable to immediately enter the answers during the exam in order to accurately catch everything.

How many correct answers in Listening need to be given to score points

Number of correct answers in the test Listening Points
1 1
2-3 2
4-6 3
7-9 3.5
10-14 4.0
15-16 4.5
17-19 5.0
20-24 5.5
25-29 6.0
30-32 6.5
33-35 7.0
36-37 7.5
38 8.0
39 8.5
40 9.0

How Reading is rated

Reading in the academic and general versions of IELTS are very different. In the academic test, examinees are required to read three texts of 650 to 1000 words, each of which is replete with technical and other specific terms. In the general version of the test, there are also three texts, their volume is similar, but the topics are common without special terminology - news, stories, excerpts from stories. Of course, the general option is easier to pass, so the assessment of reading in Academic and General IELTS occurs on different scales.

To read and fill out the form with test questions (there are only 40 of them in both the general and academic versions of the test), the subjects are given 60 minutes. During this time, the materials can be read, and when passing the exam in the digital version - at the computer - also take the opportunity to make notes with a "marker" in the text and enter the answers in the form.

How many correct answers in Reading IELTS (Academic, General) should be given to collect points

Number of correct answers in General IELTS Reading Number of correct answers in Academic IELTS Reading Final Reading Scores
1-2 1 1
3-4 2-3 2
5-8 4-6 3
9-11 7-9 3.5
12-15 10-12 4.0
16-17 13-15 4.5
18-20 16-18 5.0
21-25 19-22 5.5
26-30 23-24 6.0
31-34 25-28 6.5
35-36 29-32 7.0
37 33-35 7.5
38 36-37 8.0
39 38-39 8.5
40 40 9.0

How Writing is rated

The written part of the exam, depending on the format, is passed in handwriting or by typing the task on the computer. It cannot be said that one of the options is more convenient than the other, because the written delivery has key drawbacks - marks, handwriting and difficulties of counting; in digital - the need for the skills of fast touch typing and the ability to use a computer at least at a basic level.

Writing in IELTS consists of two tasks, the completion for which an hour is given. Those who pass the academic version of the test need to write a description of the scheme or table provided by the examiner, as well as write an essay on a given academic topic. Those who pass the general exam are to write a letter and essay on a given, mainly general, topic. In the first task, the minimum amount of work is 150 words, in the second, 250 words.

Both in the printed and in the handwritten versions of IELTS Writing, the works are evaluated according to the same criteria, there are only four of them:

According to the result of all blocks of the exam, the commission of the examination center calculates the average score within 13 days, issues a certificate and informs the subject about the possibility of picking it up by mail, in person or electronically.

TA/TR – Task Achievement (Task 1) or Task Response (Task 2) – evaluation of the content of the written work. As part of the general exam, you usually need to write an essay or a letter, within the framework of an academic exam - to describe a scheme or algorithm, and in both cases this should be done as meaningfully as possible. For repeating the same thought, avoiding the topic, trying to embark on lengthy or irrelevant arguments to set the right number of words, points are reduced.

SS: Cohesion/Coherence - clarity of presentation, which in addition to the ability to write clearly includes the accuracy of the breakdown into paragraphs, the use of subheadings, the correct selection of terms and typical, established speech turns. For obviously confused translations from one’s native language, confusion, overly complex or incomprehensible sentences, the score will be reduced.

LR: Lexical Resource — vocabulary. The larger and more complex it is, the higher the score on this criterion. At the same time, instead of phrasal verbs, contrary to stereotypes, it is better to use dictionary verbs, and also to obtain a higher score, you need to monitor the appropriateness of the use of words and their form of use in a particular case.

GRA: Grammatical Range and Accuracy – grammar and spelling can help increase the overall score for writing, but errors, typos, incorrect word order in sentences or incorrectly used time forms will nullify all efforts to put maximum meaning into the work and show the available vocabulary.

To derive the final score for IELTS Writing, a special formula is used, within the framework of which the average arithmetic score for each parameter for both tasks is calculated. In this case, the first task affects the final score less than the second, and if you are not sure that you will master both, it is preferable to focus on Task 2.

How Speaking is evaluated

All IELTS blocks, except Speaking, are held on the same day sequentially and in a group. And the interview time to assess the conversational skills of the subject takes place in private and usually takes 11-14 minutes, during which the ability to conduct a dialogue on both simple and more complex topics is evaluated. Moreover, the ability to communicate in this case is much more valuable than the amount of vocabulary or the ability to build complex ornate phrases on the go.

According to the result of all blocks of the exam, the commission of the examination center calculates the average score within 13 days, issues a certificate and informs the subject about the possibility of picking it up by mail, in person or electronically.


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