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Make English Writing a Game

Make English Writing a Game

Key thoughts: Useful information

Rest and work are distinguished by the emotions inspired by how we do both. Relaxation is always about rest, so the first rule of your new approach to improving your English writing is: Sit down only in a relaxed state. Music, communication with friends, light desserts, walks in the fresh air can put you in the appropriate mindset. But even without these pleasurable activities you can gradually convince yourself that you are going to play. Remember, as a child, this is not only  preparation for serious international IELTS testing, but just transporting child's play into an adult context.

As you get ready to play the game, you relax and fully engage your mind. You know the game is going to be a little difficult at times, and in fact you don’t want it to be too easy or it will be boring. And the most important thing in making English fun is to focus all your attention on the task, like in a computer game. You are still the same child who plays a certain character - completes tasks, earns coins, and develops skills to increase your level.

You have decided to take up the "Game of English" anyway, so why not put all your attention and effort into it. Treat this as a slightly complex strategy. The formation of each proposal is an intermediate mission that you need to go through. Create an environment to focus on when you sit down to English, eliminate distractions, and WELCOME TO THE GAME.

Key thoughts:

  • Imagine that you are just playing learning English, this approach helps one relax and makes learning less stressful.
  • Create missions for your English learning game and reward yourself for completing them. Remember that if the mission fails the first time, there are always countless retries.

Useful information