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Examinate yourself and celebrate good grades

Examinate yourself and celebrate good grades

Key thoughts: Useful information

It is difficult to assess oneself impartially, but it is necessary. Therefore, today there are many interesting tools to assess your knowledge without a tutor behind your shoulder. On Ultrafluent, for example, to assess your progress in learning written English, you can take automated IELTS writing practice tests or send an essay for review to a competent teacher with training in IELTS correction. Both are extremely efficient for getting an idea of ​​your current skill level and celebrating the transition to a new stage of progress.

You can even celebrate little things - it helps a lot! Each time you learn a new word and then use it in a well-formed sentence is a reason to be proud of yourself. Indeed, allow yourself to feel the true pleasure of it! You’lll see that the lessons will begin to give a real sense of satisfaction associated with the English language, and you will begin to get carried away with it, like that quest in a fun game.

Key thoughts:

  • Regularly assess your current level of written English.
  • Use UltraFluent services to track your progress in language proficiency.

Useful information