UltraFluent Keyboard Simulator
Computer Based IELTS is a modern progressive format for passing the exam for a certificate that reflects the knowledge of English of non-native speakers. Certified examination centers conduct computerized tests in classrooms designed for 10-15 people, while in Paper Based IELTS there are sometimes up to 100-200 people at a time. In addition, the Computer Based exam takes place much more often, and when you are ready to pass, you do not have to wait for several weeks. And while you are in the process of preparation, be sure to try the UF keyboard simulator.
What skills the UF keyboard simulator helps develop
Every day you devote literally 10-15 minutes to training in the keyboard simulator you can significantly increase the speed of typing in English. This will come in handy when passing the IELTS Writing module - you can quickly type both essays and thereby save time on their subsequent proofreading. It does not hurt the skill of rapid touch typing and in the future: for work, study, for correspondence in chats and social networks with English-speaking friends and colleagues.
Typing ready-made texts, you practice not only touch typing, but also unconsciously remember individual words and ready-made phrases in English. All this will come in handy when you receive the topic of the essay, and the timer starts counting down the sixty minutes allotted for the Writing block. The final score for the block and the overall average score depend on how natural the text looks for an English-speaking reviewer. Therefore, when preparing, any opportunity to expand your range of words, phrases, and well-established expressions will come in handy, and the keyboard simulator just helps in accumulating vocabulary without tedious cramming.
The simulator for preparing for IELTS can be configured in such a way that you will not reprint the text, but type it from memory. This is also another very useful training. With a sufficient amount of training, you can practice writing standard formats of essays, letters, and reports to automatism. After that, on the exam you will only need to find the desired "framework" in your memory and adapt it to a given topic.
How to use the keyboard trainer
The UltraFluent keyboard trainer is completely free and easily adjustable to your level of English typing:
- Level 1 - for beginners, you need to print the text displayed on the screen, preferably quickly and without errors
- Level 2 - for those who type quickly, depending on the chosen complexity, the words will gradually disappear from the screen, and you will either have to accelerate or develop memory
- Level 3 - for advanced, you will have 10 seconds to read and memorize a fragment of text on the screen, after which it will need to be typed from memory. Can you cope?
For training in the keyboard simulator, you can use both ready-made texts or your own, which can be downloaded through a special form when adjusting the level.